In-Game rewards

Overview of In-Game Rewards and Their Uses in Meka Ape.

🎮 Reward settings in game

One of the key innovations of Meka Ape gaming is the reward system. During a game, players can earn XP, fragments of crystals, and crystals. In this section, we will explain the different types of rewards and their uses during a player's journey.Most rewards can be earned by playing a game. For example, eliminating other players will give you XP.

As you know, the game duration is determined by two factors: time and the number of kills needed to win. These rewards unlocks new assets, such as character, weapons and $MAG Token from the player's season. $MAG Token can be used in the MekaStore. This system encourages players to play more and improve their skills, as well as providing a way to earn in-game currency and customize their experience.

💎 Crystal reward

  • 1st : When Crystal Appears : Shooting at the crystal will cause it to shatter into multiple fragments. Players can then collect these fragments. In order to keep them, players must avoid being killed until the end of the game. Other players can kill them to collect the fragments. The utility of these fragments is described below. In general, they can be traded for $MAG Token in the MekaVault. This adds an additional layer of strategy to the game, as players must balance the risk of collecting the crystal fragments with the potential rewards they can earn.

  • 2nd : When Crystal Touch Ground without having been shot from players : Only one player can collect the whole crystal. In order to keep it, the player must avoid being killed until the end of the game. Other players can kill him to collect the crystal. The utility of the crystal is described below. In general, it can be traded for $MAG Token in the MekaVault. This adds an additional layer of strategy to the game, as players must weigh the potential rewards of collecting the crystal against the risk of being killed by other players.

  1. XP allows players to progress through the season levels. Each level unlocks new elements such as dances, weapons, and skins. The season level duration is around 45 days, during which players can unlock unique elements that are only available during that season. These elements can be used to customize their characters and make them stand out from other players. By earning XP and leveling up, players can access a wider range of customization options and continue to improve their gameplay experience.

  2. Crystal fragments can be assembled to form a whole crystal if the player has enough fragments. If the player does not have enough fragments, they can convert the fragments into XP to accelerate their progress through the season levels. This allows players to choose between using their fragments to acquire a whole crystal or using them to earn XP and unlock new elements more quickly. This added layer of choice adds an element of strategy to the game and allows players to tailor their gameplay experience to their own preferences.

  3. If a player has a whole crystal, they can convert it into $MAG tokens. These tokens can then be used on the MekaStore to purchase new assets, such as characters and weapons, or to participate in the earning mechanisms. This allows players to trade their in-game rewards for real-world value, providing an additional layer of engagement and motivation for players. The $MAG tokens also have utility beyond the MekaStore, as they can be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges or used on other platforms that support the $MAG token. This adds an element of real-world value to the game and allows players to earn rewards that they can use both in-game and in the real world.

🎯 XP rewards

Game mode

One elimination



After 6 kill streak, elimination is x2



Wining a game



Collecting fragment of crystal



Collecting crystal and keeping it



One elimination



Wining the party



XP can be earned by playing the game in any mode, including Deathmatch per team, FFA, and battle royal. The dashboard below provides information on how players can earn XP.

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